Our team

We are a friendly and innovative group that is approachable and enthusiastic about the work we do. Curiosity and rich experience help us meet new challenges and create a balance between functional requirements and our desire for an aesthetic appearance.
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The development of the built environment is our shared passion in DANU’s management. In this, a designer’s perspective capable of thinking at different scales, a broad, practical technical and economic expertise, and a technological approach seeking innovation in the past and in the future are equally important.

Building and architecture is one of the greatest intellectual challenges, through which we can actively shape the present and future world and address the most important and pressing issues. We are proud to work together to achieve this.


With our clients and fellow engineers, we can work together as a team to deliver truly high quality work, and it is of paramount importance to us that we design with the resources of this team as sustainably as we design with the resources of our land. As architects at DANU, we believe that with such a basic setup, it is possible to create unique, lovable and timeless buildings!

We classify our projects into three complementary categories that guide our creativity towards sustainability and durability: “re-use”, “for-forever” and “quick-win” are architectural principles formulated on the basis of our experiences and previous design work.

Digital Twin

Every investment starts with a thorough understanding of the site and the building, the first step of which is always a survey. However, a digital replica of reality not only ensures that the design tasks are well-founded, but can also provide ready-made solutions for process management and operation.

Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to both accurately assessing the physical environment and developing the state-of-the-art technologies currently available. We are constantly opening up to new applications for survey technologies, such as building tracking, heritage and conservation, film and other creative industries. We specialise in the efficient processing of large building inventories.

Urban planning and design

Urbanism is where the human, environmental and technological worlds come together, so knowledge from many disciplines is needed for all tasks. We believe that urban planning is one of the most important research areas of the future and we share a common interest in building sustainable, healthy and successful communities for future generations.

This is why the Urbanist division of DANU is a multidisciplinary team. We provide analysis, advice and planning at the scale of investments, public spaces, neighbourhoods, municipalities and regions. We have extensive experience in the design and implementation of brownfield redevelopment projects, cultural institution development, smart city solutions, urban public spaces and regional scale strategies.


BIM is the key to the digitalisation of the construction industry. Building Information Management helps to make investments more time and cost efficient, collaboration more transparent, information more integrated and the implementation process more predictable. The use of BIM and proptech tools is not an option, but an indispensable feature of modern and responsible investment.

We want to create the best possible building for future users. To achieve an excellent result, we also need the right tools, so that the project is predictable and predictable, so that everyone involved – the client, the designers, the contractor and even the operator – can make the right decisions and the resulting building really serves its intended purpose.

Csaba Szalai
Head of Digital Twin Division
Viliam Kovács
MSc Architect
Róbert Daniel Tóth
Associate engineer
Iván Blaskovics
Engineer Associate
Gábor Bencsik

A SportOdüsszeia interaktív olimpiai kiállítás a 2024-es párizsi olimpia alkalmából valósult meg, a Nemzeti Sportügynökség megrendelésére a Magyar Olimpiai és Sportmúzeummal együttműködésben. A kiállítás tervezéséért és a tartalmi fejlesztések teljes körű koordinációjáért a DANU csapata felelt.

A tárlat öt tematikus szekcióban mutatta be, hogyan formálta a sport fejlődése a mozgást, a technikai innováció szerepét, az ideális test képét, az idő kezelésének jelentőségét, valamint a sport és a közösségi, nemzeti identitás kapcsolatát. Ehhez izgalmas eszköztárat használtunk: archív felvételekkel, műtárgyakkal, interaktív játékokkal és sporteszközökkel teremtettünk átfogó élményt a látogatók számára.

A projekt különlegességét több interaktív eszköz mögötti innovatív technológiai fejlesztés adta, tovább fokozva a látogatói élményt.




SportOdüsszeia kiállítás

Research and consulting, Design management

A Český Brod főterének megújítására készült tervünk egy cseh tervpályázat részeként született, célja a város történelmi központjának újjáélesztése. Koncepciónkkal olyan köztér hálózatot kívántunk létrehozni, amely csökkenti az autós forgalmat, és helyet biztosít a városlakók mindennapi tevékenységeihez, valamint ünnepi eseményeihez. A terv az élhetőbb városi életet, a zöldfelületek növelését és a közösségi funkciók erősítését helyezi előtérbe, tiszteletben tartva a történelmi örökséget.

Český Brod

Public space design, Masterplan and strategy

The design competition aimed to reinforce and recompose the baroque city center of Mazzarino in Sicily, including its main street, and the adjacent squares.


A program a főutca elegáns térhálózatát gyalogosbarát kialakítással, a gépjármű-közlekedés szabályozásával, a zöldfelületek és a közterületek innovatív megoldásaival újítja meg.
Az építészet és közlekedésfejlesztés mellett gazdasági és társadalmi fenntarthatósági javaslatokat is tettünk az üres ingatlanok hasznosítására, a helyi fiatalok megtartására, a turizmus fejlesztésére és egy mezőgazdasági fejlesztő és képzőközpontra.


Architectural and urban design, Masterplan and strategy

We have prepared a complex urban development and rehabilitation programme for the town of Enying, which included the preparation of all plans from the strategy through to the preparation of the financing application and support for the implementation process.

A városközpont és környéke zöld infrastruktúra hálózatával a történeti városszerkezet helyreállítását céloztuk meg. A kiegészítő elemekkel együtt ez a helyi identitás, gazdaság és idegenforgalom fejlesztéséhez is hozzájárult. A megvalósítás során a teljes városközpont megújult: a zöld-kék infrastruktúra visszaállításán túl a városközpontban új, fenntartható kortárs közterek jöttek létre.


Enying Zöld Város

Architectural and urban design, Participatory processes

The development of the new headquarters for the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition represents one of the largest projects that our office has designed and executed. Besides architectural design, we also managed the complete design coordination and provided design supervision on-site during construction.

Throughout the project, we ensured that client specifications were aligned with the constraints of the existing building. The planned new offices and laboratories were incorporated into the renovated structure of the former hospital, which was expanded and modernized with contemporary elements to meet the project's requirements.

Before the start we surveyed the facility utilizing point cloud technology to produce a precise, lifelike three-dimensional model of the existing structure. A new point cloud was created after the completion, to assist the documentation of the as-built condition.

OGYÉI new headquarter

Architectural and urban design, Design management

The goal of the South Buda Central Hospital project is to create the most modern hospital facility in Hungary, capable of providing all forms of care.

The general designer approached us to support the building's design with BIM-based solutions, recognizing that alongside the client's BIM requirements, designing a building of this scale comes with additional software challenges. Initially, we had to establish and operate the Archicad and teamwork environment, and later, as the design progressed, we reviewed and integrated the engineering trades’ BIM models, conducting regular quality checks and clash detection to eliminate errors and support coordination.

South Buda Central Hospital

BIM audit and management