Bitmist reggeli

Az építőipar digitalizációjának egyik következő megoldandó kihívása a költségbecslés és -tervezés, majd pedig a kontrolling összekapcsolása a BIM-mel, ami újabb előnyöket hozna a kivitelezőknek és beruházóknak. Az igény már sok szereplőben felmerült, és ebbe az irányba ösztönzi az iparágat az új BIM rendelet is. Ezt a témát járta körbe egy kerekasztal beszélgetés során Kellényi István […]

Úton az építőipar 5.0 világába

Október 15.-én Balatonfüreden a DANU is képviselte magát az Építésügyi, Stratégiai, Innovációs és Digitalizációs Konferencián, melynek fókuszába az építőipar jövőjét meghatározó legújabb iparági trendek, technológiák és innovációk kerültek. A fenntartható építkezési gyakorlatok használata mellett a digitális technológiák építési folyamatokban való alkalmzásának előnyei, a BIM-nek és a mesterséges intelligenciának az építőiparban betöltött szerepe is előtérbe került […]

DANU sets a new vision to revitalize Diósgyőr Steelworks

DANU, in partnership with Ex Ante and Ex-Act Project consulting firms, has been selected to lead the revitalization and development strategy for the historic Diósgyőr Steelworks (DAM) site in Miskolc. Once a cornerstone of Hungary’s industrial landscape, the Diósgyőr Steelworks was one of the country’s largest metallurgical complexes before its closure in 2009, after more […]

We created an international touring exhibition from Hungarian innovations

Hungarian innovations took center stage at the Scientific and Technological (TéT) Conference organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. We showcased the Smart Hungary 2.0 exhibition, created at the ministry’s request, at Óbuda University. The exhibition presents 24 national developments and products, focusing on four areas: buildings and homes; cities and mobility; health […]

Enying receives Urban Development Award

The Municipality of Enying has been awarded the Urban Development Prize for the Enying Green City project, which will solve decades-old urban planning problems by 2023. DANU played a key role in both the initiative and the implementation: it prepared a complex urban development and rehabilitation programme with the municipality, which included support for the […]

We designed an Interactive Olympic exhibition

In celebration of the Paris Olympics, the Sportgarden interactive Olympic exhibition and sports park has opened at the Holdudvar on Margaret Island. As part of this event, the Sport Odyssey exhibition by the Hungarian Olympic and Sports Museum was also organized. This exhibition not only showcases the history of the Olympics but also explores the […]

Enying, a small town of 6,000 people around Lake Balaton, has been renovated

The town of Enying, near Lake Balaton, has been renovated with a total of HUF 570 million in EU funding under the Green City programme. From the main square in front of the Batthyány Castle to the Cinca stream valley, the historic town structure was restored in a complex rehabilitation project developed by the DANU […]

Danube Region Strategy (EUSDR) Annual Forum

We attended the 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) in Vienna. The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) connects 14 Danube countries, home to more than 110 million people, one-fifth of the Union’s population. The goal of this cooperation is to integrate and strengthen the region to enhance […]

The 8th SHARE Hungary 2024 international architecture conference, held at the Museum of Ethnography, focused on the theme “Facades and the Cityscape.”

SHARE Hungary brings together and showcases the latest innovations in architecture and construction technologies with the involvement of local and international speakers. Representing DANU, Bálint Kádár, director of architecture and urban planning participated in the “Fifteen Shades of Urban Development” roundtable, moderated by András Reith, CEO of ABUD. Bálint exchanged views on the role of […]